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Could lack of Sleep be affecting your Heart?

September 26, 2017 Dr. V. Spencer

Mentally, you are running on all cylinders, back to work and you didn’t go to bed on time. Missing or broken sleep could effect your Heart. #sleepdeprivation #takeanaptuesday #meditateCould lack of Sleep be effecting your Heart?

Why holding on to this one thing can weaken your health!

February 12, 2017 Dr. V. Spencer

Could this weaken your health?There are many things that are well known to have a negative effect on the physical body - like smoking, excess drinking and eating the wrong foods. But, there is one thing that we all have done that you may never consider how it is affecting you. It is Holding on to LOVE!

What is your Holiday Eating doing to You?

December 15, 2016 Dr. V. Spencer

What is your Holiday Eating doing to you?

Are you looking for A Natural Solution?

September 15, 2016 Dr. V. Spencer

Are you looking for A Natural Solution?
 Your body can heal itself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually when you think healthy, eat healthy and live healthy. 

How does the Cupping that Olympian Michael Phelps has work?

August 15, 2016 Dr. V. Spencer

Olympians use Cupping for Muscle Recovery.

Its a natural healing technique that has been used in China, Egypt and Japan for 5000 years.